戴翔 Dai Xiang



戴  翔





办公室:位育楼 415室 

E-mail :aufedx@163.com





1. 1997年9月- 2001年6月,安徽财经大学国际贸易专业学习,本科毕业,获经济学学士学位

2. 2004年9月- 2007年2月,安徽财经大学国际贸易专业学习,获经济学硕士学位

3. 2009年9月- 2012年6月,南京大学澳门新葡游戏国际贸易专业学习,博士研究生毕业,获经济学博士学位

4. 2012年10月-2016年6月,中国社会科学院工业经济研究所,从事博士后研究工作。



1. 国家社科基金后期资助项目《习近平关于全球增长共赢链重要论述研究》(19FKSB023)

2. 国家社科基金项目重点项目《全球经济深度调整背景下我国外贸增速变化机理及对策研究》(16AJY016);

3. 国家社科基金项目青年项目《我国服务出口复杂度变迁及提升问题研究》(14CJY055);

4. 教育部人文社科研究项目《后危机时代中国开放型经济发展方式转型研究》(10YJC790039);

5. 教育部哲学社会科学后期资助项目《中国服务贸易技术复杂度变迁及经济效应》(13JH050);

6. 教育部哲学社会科学研究后期资助项目“服务业全球化条件下制造业服务化与价值链攀升”(19JHQ057)

7. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目《中国服务出口技术复杂度变迁及经济效应研究》(2014T70165);

8. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目《服务贸易发展促进长三角国际分工地位提升研究》(2013M530809);

9. 江苏省哲学社会科学后期资助项目《中国攀升全球价值链:实现机制与战略调整》(15HQ006);

10. 江苏省社会科学基金项目促进江苏产业迈向全球价值链中高端研究》(17ZT13010)



1. 戴翔.中国制造业出口内涵服务价值演进及因素决定[J]. 经济研究,2016,09;

2. 戴翔.产品内分工、制度质量与出口技术复杂度[J]. 经济研究,2014,07;

3. 戴翔.中国制造业国际竞争力——基于贸易附加值的测算[J]. 中国工业经济,2015,1

4. 戴翔.劳动力演化如何影响中国工业发展:转移还是转型[J]. 经济学动态,2015,09

5. 戴翔.服务贸易进口技术含量与中国工业经济发展方式转变[J].中国工业经济,2016,9;

6. 戴翔.集聚优势与中国企业“走出去”[J]. 中国工业经济,2013,02;

7. 戴翔.发展差距、非对称要素流动与全球贸易失衡[J]. 世界经济,2013,02;

8. 戴翔.开放条件下我国本土企业升级能力的影响因素研究[J]. 经济学季刊,2013,02

9. 戴翔.危机冲击、汇率波动与出口绩效——基于跨国面板数据的实证分析[J]. 金融研究,2011,08

10. 戴翔.人民币汇率变动是否影响了中国服务出口增长[J]. 金融研究,2014,11

11. 张二震,戴翔,张雨.中美经贸摩擦:短期应对与长期机制建设[J/OL].华南师范大学学报(社会科学版):1-15.

12. 戴翔,王如雪.“一带一路”建设与中国对外直接投资:促进抑或抑制?[J].当代经济研究,2020(06):81-93.

13. 戴翔,杨双至.中国“一带一路”倡议的出口促进效应[J].经济学家,2020(06):68-76.

14. 张二震,戴翔.稳住外资外贸基本盘需“危”中寻“机”[J].中国外资,2020(11):30-31.

15. 戴翔,沈佳倩.新时代经济高质量发展的几个认识[J].贵州省党校学报,2020(03):63-69.

16. 戴翔.营商环境优化能够提升全球价值链分工地位吗[J].经济理论与经济管理,2020(05):48-61.

17. 戴翔,徐柳,任志成.融入全球价值链影响了经济增长质量吗[J].国际商务(对外经济贸易大学学报),2020(03):20-34.

18. 戴翔,宋婕.中国OFDI的全球价值链构建效应及其空间外溢[J].财经研究,2020,46(05):125-139.

19. 刘梦,戴翔.经济增长中“净出口”作用如何被低估?——基于传统方法的修正、再测算与比较研究[J].南开经济研究,2020(02):49-67.

20. 张二震,戴翔.新时代我国对外开放的五大新特征[J].中共南京市委党校学报,2020(02):1-10.

21. 戴翔. 统筹推进疫情防控和自贸区高质量发展[N]. 南京日报,2020-03-18(A09).

22. 张雨,戴翔,张二震.要素分工下贸易保护效应与中美贸易摩擦的长期应对[J].南京社会科学,2020(03):48-53+70.

23. 戴翔.“稳外贸”重在高质量发展[J].群众,2020(03):19.

24. 戴翔,宋婕.“一带一路”有助于中国重构全球价值链吗?[J].世界经济研究,2019(11):108-121.

25. 张二震,戴翔.江苏自贸区建设的目标与思路[J].唯实,2019(11):52-55.

26. 戴翔,张二震.“一带一路”建设与中国制度型开放[J].国际经贸探索,2019,35(10):4-15.

27. 戴翔,张雨.制度型开放:引领中国攀升全球价值链新引擎[J].江苏行政学院学报,2019(05):45-52.

28. 韩剑. 新一轮自贸区扩容加快全面开放[N]. 中国社会科学报,2019-09-18(004).

29. 戴翔,宋婕.中国贸易条件变动趋势再考察——基于贸易增加值的新测算[J].贵州商学院学报,2019,32(03):27-37.

30. 戴翔. 集聚高端创新要素,引领南京自贸区高质量发展[N]. 南京日报,2019-08-28(A06).

31. 张二震,戴翔.构建开放型世界经济:理论内涵、引领理念与实现路径[J].经济研究参考,2019(14):89-102.

32. 戴翔.价值链贸易如何驱动经济增长——基于全球投入产出机制的新解释[J].国际贸易问题,2019(07):82-99.

33. 戴翔.要素分工新发展与中国新一轮高水平开放战略调整[J].经济学家,2019(05):85-93.

34. 戴翔,李洲,张雨.服务投入来源差异、制造业服务化与价值链攀升[J].财经研究,2019,45(05):30-43.

35. 张二震,戴翔.关于中美贸易摩擦的理论思考[J].华南师范大学学报(社会科学版),2019(02):62-70+192.

36. 张二震,戴翔.江苏开发区高质量发展的思路与对策[J].经济研究参考,2019(08):44-52+72.

37. 戴翔.主动扩大进口:高质量发展的推进机制及实现路径[J].宏观质量研究,2019,7(01):60-71.

38. 戴翔.制度型开放:中国新一轮高水平开放的理论逻辑与实现路径[J].国际贸易,2019(03):4-12.

39. 金莹,戴翔.本土市场规模扩大一定有助于价值链攀升吗?[J].南京社会科学,2019(03):18-25.

40. 戴翔. 以开放创新深度融合  实现高水平开放[N]. 新华日报,2019-02-19(013).

41. 戴翔.“全球增长共赢链”的若干基本理论问题[J].中共中央党校(国家行政学院)学报,2019,23(01):113-122.

42. 张二震,戴翔.构建开放型世界经济:理论内涵、引领理念与实现路径[J].江苏师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2019,45(02):83-94+123-124.

43. 戴翔.高质量开放型经济:特征、要素及路径[J].天津社会科学,2019(01):95-100+155.

44. 戴翔.看清大势坚定迈向开放强省[J].群众,2019(02):21-22.

45. 戴翔.构建开放型国际经济新体系:理论逻辑及实现路径[J].经济纵横,2018(12):61-68.

46. 戴翔.在扩大服务业开放中发展更高层次开放型经济[J].国家治理,2018(45):3-7.

47. 戴翔.“国际贸易重要性渐减规律”成立吗?[J].数量经济技术经济研究,2018,35(12):61-80.

48. 戴翔,徐柳,张为付.集聚优势与价值链攀升:阻力还是助力[J].财贸研究,2018,29(11):1-14.

49. 戴翔.跨境电子商务税收新政频遭延期的原因分析[J].世界农业,2018(10):124-130.

50. 戴翔,张为付.产业上游度、出口品质与全球价值链攀升——中美“悖论”的经验证据及启示[J].财经科学,2018(09):63-73.

51. 戴翔,宋婕.我国外贸转向高质量发展的内涵、路径及方略[J].宏观质量研究,2018,6(03):22-31.

52. 张二震,戴翔.高质量利用外资与产业竞争力提升[J].南开学报(哲学社会科学版),2018(05):1-10.

53. 戴翔.中国制造业能否摘取全球价值链“高悬的果实”[J].经济学家,2018(09):51-58.

54. 戴翔.探析“一带一路”交汇点建设的江苏定位[J].群众,2018(17):27-28.

55. 张二震,倪海清,戴翔.以改革开放高质量掌握国际贸易竞争主动权[J].群众,2018(14):40-41.

56. 戴翔,李洲,何启志.中国制造业出口如何突破“天花板约束”[J].统计研究,2018,35(06):56-67.

57. 张二震,戴翔.扩大我国服务业出口的对策思路[J].国家治理,2018(23):18-25.

58. 戴翔,刘梦.贸易增速下降之“谜”——基于全球价值链分工视角的解释[J].财经研究,2018,44(05):83-96.

59. 戴翔,张二震,王原雪.特朗普贸易战的基本逻辑、本质及其应对[J].南京社会科学,2018(04):11-17+29.

60. 戴翔,刘梦.人才何以成为红利——源于价值链攀升的证据[J].中国工业经济,2018(04):98-116.

61. 张二震,李远本,戴翔.从融入到推动:中国应对全球化的战略转变——庆祝改革开放40周年[J].国际贸易问题,2018(04):1-10.

62. 戴翔,张二震,王原雪.习近平开放发展思想研究[J].中共中央党校学报,2018,22(02):12-22.

63. 戴翔,徐柳.如何破解我国出口增速下降困局[J].宏观质量研究,2018,6(01):73-85.

64. 戴翔,张二震,王原雪.全面开放新格局:内涵、路径及方略[J].贵州社会科学,2018(03):104-110.

65. 戴翔,徐柳,张为付.“走出去”如何影响中国制造业攀升全球价值链?[J].西安交通大学学报(社会科学版),2018,38(02):11-20.

66. 戴翔,张二震.“人类命运共同体”理念引领下的新时代经济全球化[J].江苏行政学院学报,2018(01):51-57.

67. 戴翔,张二震.逆全球化与中国开放发展道路再思考[J].经济学家,2018(01):70-78.

68. 张二震,戴翔.完善全球经济治理与中国新贡献[J].世界经济研究,2017(12):9-14+132.

69. 张二震. 顺应全球价值链演进新趋势[N]. 新华日报,2017-12-20(016).

70. 戴翔,李洲.服务出口能否成为“稳增长”的动力源——基于增加值测算的比较研究[J].国际经贸探索,2017,33(11):4-18.

71. 张二震. 发展更高层次的开放型经济[N]. 社会科学报,2017-11-23(002).

72. 戴翔.我国黄金期货市场风险测度——基于EGARCH-POT模型的VaR与CVaR研究[J].江南大学学报(人文社会科学版),2017,16(06):91-97+122.

73. 戴翔,徐柳.中国外贸增速变化的行业差异性——基于全球价值链参与度视角[J].国际商务研究,2017,38(06):5-15+54.

74. 任志成,刘梦,戴翔.要素成本上升、产业优势断档与我国新型比较优势培育[J].国际贸易,2017(10):17-21.

75. 张雨,戴翔.FDI、制度质量与服务出口复杂度[J].财贸研究,2017,28(07):59-68+76.

76. 张二震,戴翔.要素分工、开放发展与长三角全面小康建设的基本经验[J].江苏社会科学,2017(05):77-83.

77. 戴翔,张二震.我国外向型经济发展如何实现新突破——基于空间、结构和活力三维度分析[J].南京社会科学,2017(09):13-19.

78. 张二震,戴翔.论开发区从产业集聚区向创新集聚区的转型[J].现代经济探讨,2017(09):1-6.

79. 戴翔,刘梦,张为付.本土市场规模扩张如何引领价值链攀升[J].世界经济,2017,40(09):27-50.

80. 戴翔,李洲.全球价值链上的中国产业:地位变迁及国际比较[J].财经科学,2017(07):77-89.

81. 张为付,戴翔.中国全球价值链分工地位改善了吗?——基于改进后出口上游度的再评估[J].中南财经政法大学学报,2017(04):90-99.

82. 张雨,戴翔.服务价值链分工是否影响了服务出口复杂度:理论及经验[J].当代经济科学,2017,39(04):87-97+127.

83. 戴翔,徐柳.我国外贸增速变化的多角度考察[J].经济纵横,2017(06):57-67.

84. 张二震. 以“一带一路”为抓手构建全球价值链[N]. 新华日报,2017-05-25(017).

85. 戴翔,张二震.全球服务贸易新趋势与我国的机遇[J].中国国情国力,2017(05):56-58.

86. 张二震,张晓磊,戴翔.英国“脱欧”对江苏开放型经济的影响及对策[J].唯实,2017(03):31-35.

87. 任志成,刘梦,戴翔.价值链分工演进如何影响贸易增长:现象、理论及模拟[J].国际贸易问题,2017(02):119-130.

88. 张二震,戴翔.全球贸易保护主义新趋势[J].人民论坛,2017(05):130-131.

89. 戴翔. 国际贸易增长低迷将是中长期趋势[N]. 社会科学报,2017-01-12(002).

90. 戴翔,张为付.全球价值链、供给侧结构性改革与外贸发展方式转变[J].经济学家,2017(01):39-46.

91. 戴翔.外向型发展是否影响了服务出口技术含量?——基于企业大样本调研问卷的经验证据[J].数量经济技术经济研究,2017,34(01):40-57.

92. 戴翔.新阶段中国开放型经济发展困局及破题之策[J].澳门新葡游戏学报,2017,14(01):37-44.

93. 戴翔,郑岚,张为付.汇率变动是否影响了服务出口复杂度——基于跨国面板数据的实证分析[J].南开经济研究,2016(06):23-40.

94. 戴翔.如何看待全球贸易增速低于经济增速现象[J].国际贸易,2016(10):38-41+63.

95. 戴翔.全球贸易增速为何低于经济增速?[J].南京社会科学,2016(10):17-22.

96. 戴翔.全球贸易增速下降之谜研究综述[J].经济学动态,2016(09):134-142.

97. 戴翔. 全球贸易增速为何低于经济增速[N]. 新华日报,2016-09-06(015).

98. 张二震,戴翔.全球价值链演进与提升我国外贸竞争力[J].中国国情国力,2016(08):25-28.

99. 戴翔. 在稳出口保份额上精准发力[N]. 新华日报,2016-08-05(013).

100. 戴翔,张二震.供给侧结构性改革与中国外贸转型发展[J].贵州社会科学,2016(07):131-136.

101. 戴翔.服务贸易自由化是否影响中国制成品出口复杂度[J].财贸研究,2016,27(03):1-9.

102. 戴翔,张二震.我国外贸增速下降:机理分析及对策思考[J].江苏行政学院学报,2016(03):48-55.

103. 戴翔.“走出去”促进我国本土企业生产率提升了吗?[J].世界经济研究,2016(02):78-89+136-137.

104. 戴翔.我国服务业增加值率的变迁及其国际比较[J].上海经济研究,2016(02):12-18+28.

105. 张二震,戴翔.“新常态”下江苏开放型经济发展的重点难点及对策[J].群众,2016(02):32-34.

106. 张二震,戴翔.要素成本上升背景下的江苏外贸转型[J].唯实,2016(01):32-36.

107. 戴翔,张二震.全球价值链分工演进与中国外贸失速之“谜”[J].经济学家,2016(01):75-82.

108. 戴翔. 新阶段构筑全面对外开放新格局的战略[N]. 新华日报,2015-11-03(015).

109. 戴翔,张二震.我国增长新阶段开放型经济的转型发展:目标、路径及战略[J].中共中央党校学报,2015,19(05):82-91.

110. 戴翔. 我国服务出口技术复杂度亟待提升[N]. 中国社会科学报,2015-09-30(004).

111. 戴翔.服务出口复杂度是否影响服务出口增长?[J].经济学动态,2015(09):81-91.

112. 杨坤鹏,戴翔.FDI提升了我国本土企业自主创新能力吗?——基于东部地区面板数据的实证研究[J].广西财经学院学报,2015,28(04):1-4+12.

113. 张雨,戴翔.什么影响了服务出口复杂度——基于全球112个经济体的实证研究[J].国际贸易问题,2015(07):87-96.

114. 戴翔,张二震.中国外贸发展“新常态”:表现、成因及对策[J].贵州社会科学,2015(07):107-114.

115. 戴翔.服务出口复杂度与经济增长质量:一项跨国经验研究[J].审计与经济研究,2015,30(04):103-112.

116. 戴翔.服务业“两化”趋势与我国服务出口复杂度的提升战略[J].国际贸易,2015(05):60-66.

117. 戴翔,张雨.我国服务出口复杂度的国际比较及变化机制[J].南京社会科学,2015(05):25-32+47.

118. 戴翔.中国出口贸易利益究竟有多大——基于附加值贸易的估算[J].当代经济科学,2015,37(03):80-88+127.

119. 戴翔.中国服务出口竞争力:增加值视角下的新认识[J].经济学家,2015(03):31-38.

120. 张二震,戴翔.全球价值链下的贸易应对之策[J].中国国情国力,2015(02):21-23.

121. 戴翔.中国制造业国际竞争力——基于贸易附加值的测算[J].中国工业经济,2015(01):78-88.

122. 戴翔.进口商品技术复杂度与产业升级的关系[J].重庆科技学院学报(社会科学版),2015(01):42-45.

123. 戴翔,张二震.服务业开放的国际分工地位提升效应——基于江苏数据的实证研究[J].江苏行政学院学报,2015(01):45-51.

124. 戴翔.危机冲击下全球贸易如何“崩溃”[J].国际贸易问题,2014(12):25-36.

125. 戴翔.“出口导向”特征缘何阻碍中国攀升全球价值链?——基于“生产-消费”分离成本作用机制分析[J].国际经贸探索,2014,30(08):18-28.

126. [123]张二震,戴翔.关于构建开放型经济新体制的探讨[J].南京社会科学,2014(07):6-12.

127. 戴翔.服务进口复杂度与我国制造业效率提升[J].科研管理,2014,35(06):108-114.

128. 戴翔.生产率与中国企业“走出去”:服务业和制造业有何不同?[J].数量经济技术经济研究,2014,31(06):74-87.

129. 戴翔,张二震.互利共赢新内涵与我国应对贸易摩擦新思路[J].天津社会科学,2014(03):88-91.

130. 任志成,戴翔.产品内分工、贸易自由化与中国产业出口竞争力[J].国际贸易问题,2014(04):23-32.

131. 戴翔,张雨,郑江淮.外向型发展如何提升我国本土企业生产率[J].统计研究,2014,31(03):45-53.

132. 金京,戴翔,张二震.全球要素分工背景下的中国产业转型升级[J].中国工业经济,2013(11):57-69.

133. 戴翔.中国服务贸易出口增长的数量、价格及种类分解[J].国际贸易问题,2013(09):101-110.

134. 戴翔.战略机遇期新内涵与我国对外经济发展方式转变[J].经济学家,2013(08):49-55.

135. 戴翔.中国迈向贸易强国的艰难前程[J].现代商业,2013(17):83-84.

136. 张雨,戴翔.政治风险影响了我国企业“走出去”吗[J].国际经贸探索,2013,29(05):84-93.

137. 戴翔.中国企业“走出去”的生产率悖论及其解释——基于行业面板数据的实证分析[J].南开经济研究,2013(02):44-59.

138. 戴翔,张二震.我国开放型经济传统优势弱化之后怎么办?[J].福建论坛(人文社会科学版),2013(03):29-34.

139. 戴翔.我国制成品与服务贸易出口技术含量动态相关性分析[J].中国软科学,2013(02):26-34.

140. 金京,戴翔.国际分工演进与我国开放型经济战略选择[J].经济管理,2013,35(02):1-10.

141. 戴翔.坚实“稳外需”:权宜之计还是战略基点[J].国际贸易,2012(12):11-14.

142. 戴翔.我们需要为所谓“净出口负贡献”而担忧吗[J].国际经贸探索,2012,28(11):106-115.

143. 戴翔.收入分配差距、金融信贷约束与中国外贸失衡[J].国际贸易问题,2012(10):168-176.

144. 张二震,戴翔.关于比较成本说几个问题的理论探讨[J].政治经济学评论,2012,3(04):104-119.

145. 方勇,戴翔,张二震.要素分工论[J].江海学刊,2012(04):88-96+238.

146. 戴翔.危机冲击、贸易保护与经济全球化[J].石家庄澳门新葡游戏学报,2012,35(03):1-6.

147. 戴翔.危机冲击、贸易波动与中国经济增长[J].国际商务(对外经济贸易大学学报),2012(03):5-12.

148. 戴翔,张二震.危机下的复苏:贸易保护还是贸易自由?[J].财贸研究,2012,23(03):49-58.

149. 张二震,戴翔.提升利用外资质量:理论分析与对策思路[J].当代经济研究,2012(05):22-27+92.

150. 戴翔.危机冲击与全球贸易“超调式”震荡成因的研究综述[J].浙江工商大学学报,2012(03):39-46.

151. 戴翔.中国服务贸易出口技术复杂度变迁及国际比较[J].中国软科学,2012(02):52-59.

152. 张二震,戴翔.当前开放型经济发展的几个认识问题[J].现代经济探讨,2012(01):23-27.

153. 戴翔,张二震.危机冲击与中国贸易“超调式”震荡的经验分析[J].国际贸易问题,2012(01):3-11.

154. 戴翔.创意经济:保持我国出口平稳增长的路径选择[J].石家庄澳门新葡游戏学报,2011,34(06):29-34.

155. 戴翔.服务贸易出口技术复杂度与经济增长——基于跨国面板数据的实证分析[J].财经研究,2011,37(10):81-91.

156. 戴翔.危机冲击与全球贸易波动的经验分析[J].世界经济研究,2011(09):51-56+88.

157. 戴翔.中国出口技术复杂度变迁的研究综述[J].云南财经大学学报,2011,27(04):27-32.

158. 戴翔,张二震.中国出口技术复杂度真的赶上发达国家了吗[J].国际贸易问题,2011(07):3-16.

159. 戴翔.中国外贸失衡决定因素的实证分析[J].浙江工商大学学报,2011(04):47-53.

160. 戴翔.中国出口市场选择与贸易转型升级——基于分类市场的比较研究[J].世界经济研究,2011(06):51-56+88.

161. 戴翔.服务贸易出口技术复杂度与经济增长——基于跨国面板数据的实证分析[J].南开经济研究,2011(03):57-68.

162. 戴翔.中国外贸失衡决定因素的实证分析[J].兰州商学院学报,2011,27(03):31-36.

163. 戴翔.FDI的产品内贸易效应研究——理论及对中国的经验分析[J].石家庄澳门新葡游戏学报,2011,34(02):1-7.

164. 戴翔.中国贸易收支对汇率波动的敏感性分析——基于不同贸易模式的比较研究[J].世界经济研究,2011(03):51-57+88.

165. 戴翔.中国贸易收支和贸易条件的动态关系——对S曲线的适用性检验[J].当代经济科学,2011,33(02):106-111+128.

166. 戴翔.全球创意产品贸易发展趋势及中国机遇[J].安徽商贸职业技术学院学报(社会科学版),2011,10(01):39-43.

167. 戴翔,张二震.产品内分工、危机冲击与全球贸易[J].江海学刊,2011(01):72-78+238.

168. 戴翔.美国贸易逆差的福利效应研究——基于OLG和R-C-K理论的实证分析[J].世界经济研究,2010(12):54-59+85.

169. 戴翔.高校专职辅导员定位的理论目标与现实冲突[J].天津市财贸管理干部学院学报,2010,12(04):78-79.

170. 戴翔.金融危机对国际贸易冲击机理的研究综述[J].广西经济管理干部学院学报,2010,22(04):66-71.

171. 戴翔.产品内分工、出口增长与环境福利效应——理论及对中国的经验分析[J].国际贸易问题,2010(10):57-63.

172. 戴翔.国际商务本科专业课程体系优化探讨[J].文教资料,2010(29):198-200.

173. 戴翔.中国制成品出口技术含量升级的经济效应——基于省际面板数据的实证分析[J].经济学家,2010(09):77-83.

174. 戴翔.中国“出口导向型”模式的可持续性辨析[J].现代经济探讨,2010(08):83-87.

175. 戴翔,张二震.中间产品进口、出口多样化与贸易顺差——理论模型及对中国的经验分析[J].国际经贸探索,2010,26(07):25-30.

176. 戴翔.创意产品贸易决定因素及对双边总贸易的影响[J].世界经济研究,2010(06):46-50+56+88.

177. 戴翔,万红先.高校实施本科生导师制中需注意的若干问题[J].天津市财贸管理干部学院学报,2010,12(01):54-55.

178. 戴翔.国际海运企业市场势力测度模型的构建[J].兰州商学院学报,2009,25(05):83-86.

179. 戴翔.中国海运市场中的市场势力及规制分析[J].广西经济管理干部学院学报,2009,21(04):80-83.

180. 戴翔,郑岚.发达国家服务贸易中政府行为及经验借鉴[J].天津市财贸管理干部学院学报,2009,11(01):20-22.

181. 徐松,戴翔,郑岚.中国服务业FDI与服务贸易的关系实证分析[J].生产力研究,2009(05):120-123.

182. 戴翔,郑岚.海运服务业国际竞争力评价指标体系的构建[J].大连海事大学学报(社会科学版),2008(04):35-38.

183. 万红先,戴翔.安徽新型工业化水平测度研究[J].安徽广播电视大学学报,2008(02):28-32.

184. 戴翔,郑岚.Kojima模型与我国对外直接投资的产业选择[J].国际商务(对外经济贸易大学学报),2008(03):74-80.

185. 戴翔,郑岚.海运服务业国际竞争力的一个评价指标[J].首都经济贸易大学学报,2008(03):85-89.

186. 戴翔,郑岚.自然人移动对双边贸易的影响——以美国为例[J].世界经济研究,2008(02):49-53+87

187. 戴翔.低处徘徊的南非经济:问题与原因[J].西亚非洲,2008(01):74-78.

188. 戴翔,万红先.FDI促进新型工业化发展的作用探析[J].安徽商贸职业技术学院学报(社会科学版),2007(04):18-21.

189. 徐松,戴翔,郑岚.我国对外直接投资产业选择实证分析及优化措施[J].技术经济,2007(08):46-51.

190. 万红先,戴翔.我国海运服务贸易竞争力的国际比较[J].国际商务(对外经济贸易大学学报),2007(01):59-64.

191. 李双菊,戴翔.循环经济——我国外贸可持续发展的路径选择[J].国际贸易问题,2006(06):99-106.

192. 戴翔.对外直接投资对国内就业影响的实证分析——以新加坡为例[J].世界经济研究,2006(04):70-76.

193. 戴翔,徐松.探析农资连锁的九大优点[J].安徽商贸职业技术学院学报(社会科学版),2006(01):44-46.

194. 戴翔.实施知识产权战略——我国企业应对美国337条款的有效途径[J].国际贸易问题,2006(02):115-120.

195. 戴翔.墨西哥对华反倾销问题研究[J].温州大学学报,2006(01):18-23.

196. 戴翔.初级产品出口关税的作用探析[J].国际商务.对外经济贸易大学学报,2006(01):10-18.

197. 戴翔.初级产品出口关税的政策目标及其影响因素[J].天津市财贸管理干部学院学报,2006(01):10-12.

198. 徐松,戴翔.宏观经济政策对对外贸易的影响[J].国际商务.对外经济贸易大学学报,2005(02):10-12.

199. 戴翔.新冠肺炎疫情下全球价值链重构的中国机遇及对策[J].经济纵横,2020(06):71-79+2.

200. 戴翔,杨双至.中国“一带一路”倡议的出口促进效应[J].经济学家,2020(06):68-76.

201. 戴翔,宋婕.“一带一路”有助于中国重构全球价值链吗?[J].世界经济研究,2019(11):108-121.




1. 2019中国商务部商务发展研究成果奖

2. 2018江苏哲学社会科学研究成果奖

3. 2018安子介国际贸易研究成果奖

4. 2018刘诗白经济学奖

5. 2018教育厅哲学社会科学研究成果奖

6. 2016江苏省优秀理论成果奖

7. 2018江苏省优秀理论成果奖

8. 2016江苏省应用精品工程奖

9. 2017江苏省应用精品工程奖

10. 博士毕业论文《危机冲击与全球贸易波动机制研究》,获南京大学2013年优秀博士论文

11. 2012年获得安徽财经大学“十大科研标兵”荣誉称号

12. 2013年获得安徽财经大学“十大科研标兵”荣誉称号

13. 2014年获得安徽财经大学“十大科研标兵”荣誉称号

14. 2015年获得安徽财经大学“十大科研标兵”荣誉称号

15. 2011年获得安徽财经大学“天安奖教金”一等奖

16. 2013年获得安徽财经大学“天安奖教金”二等奖

17. 2013年获得安徽财经大学“天安奖教金”一等奖

18. 2015年获得安徽财经大学“天安奖教金”一等奖

19. 2014年安徽高校优秀青年拔尖人才

20. 2016年江苏省高校哲学社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖

21. 2016年江苏省应用工程精品奖一等奖

22. 2016年江苏省“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人

23. 2016年江苏省“333工程”中青年领军人才



Name: Dai Xiang

Political outlook: CCP member

Final degree: PhD in Economics, Nanjing University

Position title: Professor

Research fields: open economy theory and practice, global value chain and China's industrial development

Office: Room 415, Weiyu Building

E-mail: aufedx@163.com

Mailing address: 86 Yushan West Road, Pukou District, Nanjing


Study resume

1. From September 1997 to June 2001, Anhui University of Finance and Economics majored in international trade, graduated with a bachelor's degree and obtained a bachelor's degree in economics

2. September 2004-February 2007, Anhui University of Finance and Economics majored in international trade and obtained a master's degree in economics

3. September 2009-June 2012, majoring in international trade at the School of Economics, Nanjing University, graduated with a doctorate degree and obtained a doctorate degree in economics

4. From October 2012 to June 2016, Institute of Industrial Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, engaged in post-doctoral research.


Research Project

1. The later project funded by the National Social Science Fund Xi Jinping's Important Exposition on the Global Growth and Win-Win Chain (19FKSB023)

2. A key project of the National Social Science Fund Project Research on the Mechanism and Countermeasures of my country's Foreign Trade Growth Rate under the Background of Deep Adjustment of Global Economy (16AJY016);

3. The Youth Project of the National Social Science Fund Project Research on the Changes and Improvement of my country's Service Export Complexity (14CJY055);

4. Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project of the Ministry of Education Research on the Transformation of China's Open Economic Development Mode in the Post-crisis Era (10YJC790039);

5. The late-stage funded project of the Ministry of Education of Philosophy and Social Sciences Technological Complexity Changes and Economic Effects of China's Trade in Services (13JH050);

6. The post-funded project of the Ministry of Education's Philosophy and Social Sciences Research Manufacturing Serivization and Value Chain Climbing under the Conditions of Service Industry Globalization (19JHQ057);

7. The special funded project of the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Research on the Changes of China's Service Export Technology Complexity and Economic Effects (2014T70165);

8. The general project of the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Research on the Promotion of the Development of Service Trade in the International Division of Labor in the Yangtze River Delta (2013M530809);

9. The late-stage funding project of Philosophy and Social Sciences in Jiangsu Province China's Climbing Global Value Chain: Implementation Mechanism and Strategic Adjustment (15HQ006);

10. The Jiangsu Provincial Social Science Foundation Project Research on Promoting Jiangsu's Industry to Move to Mid- and High-end Global Value Chain (17ZT13010)


Published papers

1. Dai Xiang. The evolution of the value of China's manufacturing export embodied service and its factor determination[J]. Economic Research, 2016, 09;

2. Dai Xiang. Product internal division of labor, system quality and export technology complexity[J]. Economic Research, 2014, 07;

3. Dai Xiang. The international competitiveness of China's manufacturing industry-based on the calculation of trade added value[J]. China Industrial Economy, 2015, 1

4. Dai Xiang. How does the evolution of labor affect Chinas industrial development: transfer or transformation[J]. Economic Developments, 2015, 09

5. Dai Xiang. Imported technical content of service trade and the transformation of China's industrial economic development mode[J]. China Industrial Economy, 2016, 9;

6. Dai Xiang. Agglomeration advantages and Chinese enterprises going out [J]. China Industrial Economy, 2013, 02;

7. Dai Xiang. Development gap, asymmetric factor flow and global trade imbalance[J]. World Economy, 2013, 02;

8. Dai Xiang. Research on the Influencing Factors of the Upgrade Ability of my country's Local Enterprises under Open Conditions[J]. The Quarterly of Economics, 2013, 02

9. Dai Xiang. Crisis Impact, Exchange Rate Volatility and Export Performance——An Empirical Analysis Based on Cross-border Panel Data[J]. Financial Research, 2011, 08

10. Dai Xiang. Does the change in the RMB exchange rate affect the growth of Chinas service exports[J]. Financial Research, 2014, 11

11. Zhang Erzhen, Dai Xiang, Zhang Yu. Sino-US economic and trade frictions: short-term response and long-term mechanism construction[J/OL]. Journal of South China Normal University (Social Science Edition): 1-15.

12. Dai Xiang, Wang Ruxue. One Belt One Road construction and China's foreign direct investment: promote or inhibit?[J]. Contemporary Economic Research,2020(06):81-93.

13. Dai Xiang, Yang Shuangzhi. The export promotion effect of China's One Belt One Road initiative[J].Economist,2020(06):68-76.

14. Zhang Erzhen, Dai Xiang. Stabilizing the basic foreign trade market needs to find opportunities in the crisis[J].China Foreign Investment,2020(11):30-31.

15. Dai Xiang, Shen Jiaqian. Several understandings of high-quality economic development in the new era[J].Journal of the Party School of Guizhou Province,2020(03):63-69.

16. Dai Xiang. Can optimization of business environment enhance the status of global value chain division of labor[J].Economic Theory and Economic Management,2020(05):48-61.

17. Dai Xiang, Xu Liu, Ren Zhicheng. Does integration into the global value chain affect the quality of economic growth?[J].International Business (Journal of University of International Business and Economics),2020(03):20-34.

18.Dai Xiang,Song Jie.China OFDI's global value chain construction effect and its spatial spillover[J].Journal of Finance and Economics,2020,46(05):125-139.

19. Liu Meng, Dai Xiang. How is the role of net exports in economic growth underestimated? ——Revision, recalculation and comparative research based on traditional methods[J].Nankai Economic Research,2020(02):49-67.

20.Zhang Erzhen,Dai Xiang.Five new characteristics of my country's opening up in the new era[J].Journal of the Nanjing Party School of the Communist Party of China,2020(02):1-10.

21. Dai Xiang. Coordinating the promotion of epidemic prevention and control and the high-quality development of the free trade zone[N]. Nanjing Daily, 2020-03-18 (A09).

22.Zhang Yu,Dai Xiang,Zhang Erzhen.The effect of trade protection under the division of labor and the long-term response to Sino-US trade frictions[J].Nanjing Social Sciences,2020(03):48-53+70.

23. Dai Xiang. Stabilizing foreign trade focuses on high-quality development[J]. Mass,2020(03):19.

24.Dai Xiang,Song Jie. Will the Belt and Road Initiativehelp China restructure the global value chain?[J].World Economic Research,2019(11):108-121.

25.Zhang Erzhen,Dai Xiang.The goal and ideas of the construction of Jiangsu Free Trade Zone[J].weishi,2019(11):52-55.

26.Dai Xiang,Zhang Erzhen. One Belt One Road construction and China's institutional opening[J].Exploration in International Economics and Trade,2019,35(10):4-15.

27.Dai Xiang,Zhang Yu.Institutional Openness: Leading China to Ascend the New Engine of Global Value Chain[J].Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute,2019(05):45-52.

28. Han Jian. The new round of free trade zone expansion speeds up full opening[N]. China Social Science News, 2019-09-18(004).

29.Dai Xiang,Song Jie.Revisiting the Changing Trend of China's Trade Terms——Based on the New Measurement of Trade Value Added[J].Journal of Guizhou University of Business Studies,2019,32(03):27-37.

30. Dai Xiang. Gather high-end innovative elements to lead the high-quality development of Nanjing Free Trade Zone[N]. Nanjing Daily, 2019-08-28(A06).

31. Zhang Erzhen, Dai Xiang. Building an Open World Economy: Theoretical Connotation, Leading Idea and Realization Path[J].Reference for Economic Research,2019(14):89-102.

32.Dai Xiang.How does value chain trade drive economic growth——A new explanation based on the global input-output mechanism[J].International Trade Issues,2019(07):82-99.

33.Dai Xiang.The new development of factor division of labor and China's new round of high-level opening strategy adjustment[J].The Economist,2019(05):85-93.

34.Dai Xiang,Li Zhou,Zhang Yu.The difference in the sources of service input, the servitization of the manufacturing industry and the rise of the value chain[J].Journal of Finance and Economics,2019,45(05):30-43.

35.Zhang Erzhen,Dai Xiang.Theoretical Thinking on Sino-US Trade Friction[J].Journal of South China Normal University (Social Science Edition),2019(02):62-70+192.

36. Zhang Erzhen, Dai Xiang. Ideas and countermeasures for high-quality development of Jiangsu development zones[J].Reference for Economic Research,2019(08):44-52+72.

37.Dai Xiang. Actively expand imports: the mechanism and realization path of high-quality development[J].Macro Quality Research,2019,7(01):60-71.

38.Dai Xiang. Institutional Opening: The Theoretical Logic and Realization Path of China's New Round of High-level Opening[J].International Trade,2019(03):4-12.

39.Jin Ying,Dai Xiang. Will the expansion of the local market definitely help the value chain climb?[J].Nanjing Social Sciences,2019(03):18-25.

40. Dai Xiang. Deep integration of openness and innovation to achieve high-level opening[N]. Xinhua Daily, 2019-02-19 (013).

41. Dai Xiang. Some basic theoretical issues of the global growth and win-win chain[J]. Journal of the Central Party School of the Communist Party of China (National School of Administration),2019,23(01):113-122.

42. Zhang Erzhen, Dai Xiang. Building an Open World Economy: Theoretical Connotation, Leading Idea and Realization Path[J]. Journal of Jiangsu Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 2019,45(02):83-94+123-124 .

43.Dai Xiang.High-quality open economy: characteristics, elements and paths[J].Tianjin Social Sciences,2019(01):95-100+155.

44.Dai Xiang. Seeing the general trend and firmly moving towards an open and strong province[J].Most,2019(02):21-22.

45. Dai Xiang. Building a New Open International Economic System: Theoretical Logic and Implementation Path[J].Economic Aspects,2018(12):61-68.

46.Dai Xiang.Develop a higher-level open economy in the process of expanding the opening up of the service industry[J].National Governance,2018(45):3-7.

47. Dai Xiang. Is the law of decreasing importance of international trade established?[J].Journal of Quantitative Economics and Technical Economics,2018,35(12):61-80.

48. Dai Xiang, Xu Liu, Zhang Weifu. Agglomeration advantages and value chain climbing: resistance or assistance[J].Financial and Trade Research,2018,29(11):1-14.

49.Dai Xiang.Analysis of the reasons for the frequent delays of the new taxation policies for cross-border e-commerce[J].World Agriculture,2018(10):124-130.

50. Dai Xiang, Zhang Weifu. Industrial Upstream Degree, Export Quality and Global Value Chain Climbing——Empirical Evidence and Enlightenment of Sino-US Paradox[J].Finance and Economics,2018(09):63-73.

51.Dai Xiang,Song Jie.The connotation, path and strategy of my country's foreign trade turning to high-quality development[J].Macro Quality Research,2018,6(03):22-31.

52.Zhang Erzhen,Dai Xiang.High-quality utilization of foreign capital and improvement of industrial competitiveness[J].Nankai Journal (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition),2018(05):1-10.

53.Dai Xiang.Can China's manufacturing industry pick up the high hanging fruits of the global value chain[J].Economist,2018(09):51-58.

54.Dai Xiang.Probing into Jiangsu's position in the construction of the intersection of the One Belt, One Road[J]. Mass,2018(17):27-28.

55.Zhang Erzhen,Ni Haiqing,Dai Xiang.Grasp the initiative in international trade competition with high quality of reform and opening up[J].Most,2018(14):40-41.

56.Dai Xiang,Li Zhou,He Qizhi.How can China's manufacturing exports break through the ceiling constraint[J].Statistical Research,2018,35(06):56-67.

57.Zhang Erzhen,Dai Xiang.Strategic ideas to expand my country's service industry exports[J].National Governance,2018(23):18-25.

58.Dai Xiang,Liu Meng.The mystery of the decline in trade growth: an explanation based on the division of labor in global value chains[J].Finance and Economics Research,2018,44(05):83-96.

59.Dai Xiang,Zhang Erzhen,Wang Yuanxue.The basic logic, essence and response of Trump's trade war[J].Nanjing Social Sciences,2018(04):11-17+29.

60.Dai Xiang,Liu Meng.Why talents become dividends——Evidence from the ascending value chain[J].China Industrial Economy,2018(04):98-116.

61. Zhang Erzhen, Li Yuanben, Dai Xiang. From integration to promotion: China's strategic transformation in response to globalization-Commemorating the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up[J].International Trade Issues,2018(04):1-10.

62.Dai Xiang,Zhang Erzhen,Wang Yuanxue.Study on Xi Jinping's Open Development Thought[J].Journal of the Central Party School of CPC,2018,22(02):12-22.

63.Dai Xiang,Xu Liu.How to solve the dilemma of my country's export growth decline[J].Macro Quality Research,2018,6(01):73-85.

64.Dai Xiang,Zhang Erzhen,Wang Yuanxue.The new pattern of full opening: connotation, path and strategy[J].Guizhou Social Sciences,2018(03):104-110.

65. Dai Xiang, Xu Liu, Zhang Weifu. How does Going Global affect China's manufacturing industry to climb the global value chain?[J].Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University (Social Science Edition),2018,38(02):11-20 .

66.Dai Xiang,Zhang Erzhen.The new era of economic globalization led by the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind[J].Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute,2018(01):51-57.

67.Dai Xiang,Zhang Erzhen.Rethinking on De-globalization and China's Open Development Path[J].Economist,2018(01):70-78.

68. Zhang Erzhen, Dai Xiang. Improving global economic governance and China's new contributions[J].World Economic Research,2017(12):9-14+132.

69. Zhang Erzhen. Conform to the new trend of global value chain evolution[N]. Xinhua Daily, 2017-12-20(016).

70.Dai Xiang,Li Zhou.Whether service exports can become the power source of steady growth——A comparative study based on the calculation of added value[J].Exploration in International Economics and Trade,2017,33(11):4-18.

71. Zhang Erzhen. Develop a higher level of open economy[N]. Social Science News, 2017-11-23(002).

72. Dai Xiang. Risk Measurement of my country's Gold Futures Market——A Study of VaR and CVaR Based on the EGARCH-POT Model[J].Journal of Jiangnan University (Humanities and Social Sciences Edition),2017,16(06):91-97+122.

73.Dai Xiang,Xu Liu.Industry Differences of Chinas Foreign Trade Growth Rate Changes——Based on the Perspective of Global Value Chain Participation[J].International Business Research,2017,38(06):5-15+54.

74.Ren Zhicheng,Liu Meng,Dai Xiang.Rising factor costs, disconnection of industrial advantages and the cultivation of new comparative advantages in my country[J].International Trade,2017(10)

75.Zhang Yu,Dai Xiang.FDI, system quality and service export complexity[J].Financial and Trade Research,2017,28(07):59-68+76.

76.Zhang Erzhen,Dai Xiang.The basic experience of the division of labor, open development and the construction of a well-off society in the Yangtze River Delta[J].Jiangsu Social Sciences,2017(05):77-83.

77. Dai Xiang, Zhang Erzhen. How can my country achieve new breakthroughs in the development of foreign-oriented economy——Based on the three-dimensional analysis of space, structure and vitality[J].Nanjing Social Sciences,2017(09):13-19.

78. Zhang Erzhen, Dai Xiang. On the transformation of development zones from industrial clusters to innovation clusters[J].Modern Economic Research,2017(09):1-6.

79. Dai Xiang, Liu Meng, Zhang Weifu. How does the expansion of the local market lead the value chain to climb[J].World Economy,2017,40(09):27-50.

80.Dai Xiang,Li Zhou.China's industry in the global value chain: status change and international comparison[J].Finance and Economics,2017(07):77-89.

81.Zhang Weifu,Dai Xiang.Has China's global value chain division of labor status improved?——Reassessment based on the improved export upstream[J].Journal of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law,2017(04):90-99.

82. Zhang Yu, Dai Xiang. Does the division of labor in the service value chain affect the complexity of service exports: theory and experience[J].Contemporary Economic Science,2017,39(04):87-97+127.

83.Dai Xiang,Xu Liu.A multi-angle investigation on the growth rate of my countrys foreign trade[J].Economic Aspects,2017(06):57-67.

84. Zhang Erzhen. Building a global value chain with the Belt and Roadas a starting point[N]. Xinhua Daily, 2017-05-25(017).

85.Dai Xiang,Zhang Erzhen.New Trends of Global Service Trade and my countrys Opportunities[J].China National Conditions and National Power,2017(05):56-58.

86.Zhang Erzhen,Zhang Xiaolei,Dai Xiang.The impact of Britain's Brexit on Jiangsu's open economy and countermeasures[J].唯实,2017(03):31-35.

87.Ren Zhicheng,Liu Meng,Dai Xiang.How does the evolution of the division of labor in the value chain affect trade growth: phenomenon, theory and simulation[J].International Trade Issues,2017(02):119-130.

88.Zhang Erzhen,Dai Xiang.The new trend of global trade protectionism[J].People's Forum,2017(05):130-131.

89. Dai Xiang. The sluggish growth of international trade will be a mid-to-long-term trend[N]. Journal of Social Sciences, 2017-01-12 (002).

90.Dai Xiang,Zhang Weifu.Global value chain, supply-side structural reform and the transformation of foreign trade development mode[J].Economist,2017(01):39-46.

91. Dai Xiang. Does export-oriented development affect the technical content of service exports? ——Based on empirical evidence from a large sample of enterprise survey questionnaires[J].Journal of Quantitative Economics and Technical Economics,2017,34(01):40-57.

92.Dai Xiang.The Dilemma of China's Open Economy Development in the New Stage and Countermeasures[J].Journal of Nanjing Audit University,2017,14(01):37-44.

93.Dai Xiang,Zheng Lan,Zhang Weifu.Does exchange rate changes affect the complexity of service exports——an empirical analysis based on cross-border panel data[J].Nankai Economic Research,2016(06):23-40.

94.Dai Xiang.How to treat the phenomenon that the global trade growth rate is lower than the economic growth rate[J].International Trade,2016(10):38-41+63.

95.Dai Xiang.Why is the growth rate of global trade lower than that of the economy?[J].Nanjing Social Sciences,2016(10):17-22.

96.Dai Xiang.Summary of the research on the mystery of the decline in global trade growth[J].Journal of Economics,2016(09):134-142.

97. Dai Xiang. Why is the growth rate of global trade lower than the economic growth rate[N]. Xinhua Daily, 2016-09-06(015).

98.Zhang Erzhen,Dai Xiang.The evolution of global value chain and the enhancement of my country's foreign trade competitiveness[J].China National Conditions and National Power,2016(08):25-28.

99. Dai Xiang. Precise efforts in stabilizing export shares[N]. Xinhua Daily, 2016-08-05 (013).

100.Dai Xiang,Zhang Erzhen.Supply-side structural reform and China's foreign trade transformation and development[J].Guizhou Social Sciences,2016(07):131-136.

101.Dai Xiang.Does the liberalization of service trade affect the complexity of China's manufactured exports[J].Finance and Trade Research,2016,27(03):1-9.

102.Dai Xiang,Zhang Erzhen.The decline of my country's foreign trade growth rate: mechanism analysis and countermeasures[J].Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute,2016(03):48-55.

103. Dai Xiang. Has Going Global promoted the productivity of Chinese local enterprises?[J].World Economic Research,2016(02):78-89+136-137.

104.Dai Xiang.The change of the added value rate of my country's service industry and its international comparison[J].Shanghai Economic Research,2016(02):12-18+28.

105. Zhang Erzhen, Dai Xiang. The key difficulties and countermeasures in the development of Jiangsu's open economy under the new normal[J]. People,2016(02):32-34.

106.Zhang Erzhen,Dai Xiang.Jiangsu's foreign trade transformation under the background of rising factor costs[J].唯实,2016(01):32-36.

107.Dai Xiang,Zhang Erzhen.The evolution of global value chain division of labor and the mystery of China's foreign trade stall[J].The Economist,2016(01):75-82.

108. Dai Xiang. The strategy of building a new pattern of comprehensive opening-up in the new stage[N]. Xinhua Daily, 2015-11-03(015).

109.Dai Xiang,Zhang Erzhen. The transformation and development of the open economy in the new stage of growth in my country: goals, paths and strategies[J].Journal of the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China,2015,19(05):82-91.

110. Dai Xiang. The technical complexity of my country's service export needs to be improved urgently[N]. Chinese Journal of Social Sciences, 2015-09-30(004).

111.Dai Xiang.Does the complexity of service export affect the growth of service export?[J].Dynamics in Economics,2015(09):81-91.

112.Yang Kunpeng,Dai Xiang.Does FDI enhance the independent innovation capability of domestic enterprises in my country?——An empirical study based on panel data in the eastern region[J].Journal of Guangxi University of Finance and Economics,2015,28(04):1-4+12.

113.Zhang Yu,Dai Xiang.What Affects the Complexity of Service Export——Based on an Empirical Study of 112 Economies in the World[J].International Trade Issues,2015(07):87-96.

114.Dai Xiang,Zhang Erzhen. The New Normal of China's Foreign Trade Development: Performance, Causes and Countermeasures[J].Guizhou Social Sciences,2015(07):107-114.

115.Dai Xiang.Service export complexity and economic growth quality: a transnational empirical study[J].Auditing and Economic Research,2015,30(04):103-112.

116.Dai Xiang. The trend of two modernizations in the service industry and the strategy of improving the complexity of my country's service exports[J].International Trade,2015(05):60-66.

117.Dai Xiang,Zhang Yu.International Comparison and Change Mechanism of my country's Service Export Complexity[J].Nanjing Social Sciences,2015(05):25-32+47.

118.Dai Xiang. How big is China's export trade benefit——Based on the estimation of value-added trade[J].Contemporary Economic Science,2015,37(03):80-88+127.

119.Dai Xiang.China's service export competitiveness: a new understanding from the perspective of value added[J].Economist,2015(03):31-38.

120. Zhang Erzhen, Dai Xiang. Countermeasures for trade under the global value chain[J].China National Conditions and National Power,2015(02):21-23.

121.Dai Xiang.The International Competitiveness of China's Manufacturing Industry——Based on the Measurement of Trade Added Value[J].China Industrial Economy,2015(01):78-88.

122.Dai Xiang.The relationship between technical complexity of imported goods and industrial upgrading[J].Journal of Chongqing University of Science and Technology (Social Science Edition),2015(01):42-45.

123.Dai Xiang,Zhang Erzhen.The effect of service industry opening up in the international division of labor status: an empirical study based on Jiangsu data[J].Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute,2015(01):45-51.

124.Dai Xiang.How does global trade collapse under the impact of the crisis[J].International Trade Issues,2014(12):25-36.

125. Dai Xiang. Why does the export-oriented feature hinder China from climbing the global value chain?——Based on the analysis of the cost mechanism of the separation of production-consumption[J].International Economics and Trade Research,2014,30(08):18-28.

126.[123]Zhang Erzhen,Dai Xiang.Discussion on constructing a new system of open economy[J].Nanjing Social Sciences,2014(07):6-12.

127.Dai Xiang.Service Import Complexity and my country's Manufacturing Efficiency Improvement[J].Science Research Management,2014,35(06):108-114.

128.Dai Xiang. Productivity and Chinese enterprises going out: What is the difference between service industry and manufacturing industry?[J].Quantitative Economics and Technical Economics Research,2014,31(06):74-87.

129.Dai Xiang,Zhang Erzhen.The new connotation of mutual benefit and win-win and my country's new ideas for dealing with trade frictions[J].Tianjin Social Sciences,2014(03):88-91.

130.Dai Xiang.Intra-product division of labor, trade liberalization and China's industrial export competitiveness[J].International Trade Issues,2014(04):23-32.

131.Dai Xiang,Zhang Yu,Zheng Jianghuai.How does export-oriented development improve the productivity of domestic enterprises in my country[J].Statistical Research,2014,31(03):45-53.

132.Jin Jing,Dai Xiang,Zhang Erzhen.China's industrial transformation and upgrading under the background of global factor division of labor[J].China Industrial Economy,2013(11):57-69.

133.Dai Xiang.Decomposition of the Volume, Price and Types of Chinas Service Trade Export Growth[J].International Trade Issues,2013(09):101-110.

134.Dai Xiang.The new connotation of the period of strategic opportunity and the transformation of my country's foreign economic development mode[J].Economist,2013(08):49-55.

135.Dai Xiang.A difficult future for China to become a trading power[J].Modern Business,2013(17):83-84.

136.Zhang Yu,Dai Xiang.Does political risks affect the going global of Chinese enterprises?[J].Exploration in International Economics and Trade,2013,29(05):84-93.

137. Dai Xiang. The Productivity Paradox of Chinese Enterprises' Going Global and Its Explanation——An Empirical Analysis Based on Industry Panel Data[J].Nankai Economic Research,2013(02):44-59.

138.Dai Xiang,Zhang Erzhen.What should we do after the traditional advantages of my country's open economy weaken?[J].Fujian Forum (Humanities and Social Sciences Edition),2013(03):29-34.

139.Dai Xiang.Analysis of the dynamic correlation between my country's manufactured goods and service trade export technology content[J].China Soft Science,2013(02):26-34.

140.Jin Jing,Dai Xiang.The evolution of international division of labor and the strategic choice of my country's open economy[J].Economic Management,2013,35(02):1-10.

141. Dai Xiang. Solid stabilizing external demand: expedient or strategic basis[J].International Trade,2012(12):11-14.

142. Dai Xiang. Do we need to worry about the so-called negative contribution to net exports[J].International Economics and Trade Research,2012,28(11):106-115.

143.Dai Xiang.Income distribution gap, financial credit constraints and China's foreign trade imbalance[J].International Trade Issues,2012(10):168-176.

144.Zhang Erzhen,Dai Xiang.Theoretical Discussion on Several Issues of Comparative Cost Theory[J].Review of Political Economy,2012,3(04):104-119.

145.Fang Yong,Dai Xiang,Zhang Erzhen.The theory of element division of labor[J].江海学刊,2012(04):88-96+238.

146.Dai Xiang. Impact of crisis, trade protection and economic globalization[J].Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics,2012,35(03):1-6.

147.Dai Xiang.The impact of crisis, trade fluctuations and China's economic growth[J].International Business (Journal of University of International Business and Economics),2012(03):5-12.

148.Dai Xiang,Zhang Erzhen.Recovery under the crisis: trade protection or trade freedom?[J].Financial and Trade Research,2012,23(03):49-58.

149.Zhang Erzhen,Dai Xiang.Improving the quality of foreign capital utilization: theoretical analysis and countermeasures[J].Contemporary Economic Research,2012(05):22-27+92.

150.Dai Xiang. A research review of the causes of crisis shocks and global trade overmodulation shocks[J].Journal of Zhejiang Gongshang University,2012(03):39-46.

151.Dai Xiang.Technological complexity changes of China's service trade export and international comparison[J].China Soft Science,2012(02):52-59.

152.Zhang Erzhen,Dai Xiang.Several Cognitive Issues Concerning the Development of Open Economy[J].Modern Economic Research,2012(01):23-27.

153.Dai Xiang,Zhang Erzhen. An Empirical Analysis of Crisis Impact and Chinas Trade Overmodulation Shock[J].International Trade Issues,2012(01):3-11.

154.Dai Xiang.Creative economy: the path choice to maintain the steady growth of my countrys exports[J].Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics,2011,34(06):29-34.

155.Dai Xiang.Service Trade Export Technology Complexity and Economic Growth——An Empirical Analysis Based on Cross-border Panel Data[J].Journal of Finance and Economics,2011,37(10):81-91.

156.Dai Xiang.Empirical Analysis of Crisis Impact and Global Trade Volatility[J].World Economic Research,2011(09):51-56+88.

157.Dai Xiang.Summarization of Research on the Changes of Chinas Export Technology Complexity[J].Journal of Yunnan University of Finance and Economics,2011,27(04):27-32.

158.Dai Xiang,Zhang Erzhen.Is the complexity of China's export technology really catching up with developed countries[J].International Trade Issues,2011(07):3-16.

159.Dai Xiang.An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of Chinas Foreign Trade Imbalance[J].Journal of Zhejiang Gongshang University,2011(04):47-53.

160.Dai Xiang.China's export market selection and trade transformation and upgrading: a comparative study based on classified markets[J].World Economic Research,2011(06):51-56+88.

161.Dai Xiang.Service Trade Export Technology Complexity and Economic Growth——An Empirical Analysis Based on Cross-border Panel Data[J].Nankai Economic Research,2011(03):57-68.

162.Dai Xiang.An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of Chinas Foreign Trade Imbalance[J].Journal of Lanzhou University of Business Studies,2011,27(03):31-36.

163.Dai Xiang.Research on the Effect of FDI's Intra-product Trade——Theory and Empirical Analysis of China[J].Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics,2011,34(02):1-7.

164.Dai Xiang. Sensitivity Analysis of Chinas Trade Revenue and Expenditure to Exchange Rate Fluctuations——A Comparative Study Based on Different Trade Models[J].World Economic Research,2011(03):51-57+88.

165.Dai Xiang.The dynamic relationship between China's trade balance and terms of trade——A test of the applicability of the S curve[J].Contemporary Economic Science,2011,33(02):106-111+128.

166.Dai Xiang.Development trend of global creative product trade and opportunities in China[J].Journal of Anhui Vocational College of Business and Technology (Social Science Edition),2011,10(01):39-43.

167.Dai Xiang,Zhang Erzhen.Intra-product division of labor, crisis impact and global trade[J].Jianghai Academic Journal,2011(01):72-78+238.

168.Dai Xiang.A Study on the Welfare Effects of the US Trade Deficit——An Empirical Analysis Based on OLG and R-C-K Theory[J].World Economic Research,2010(12):54-59+85.

169.Dai Xiang.Theoretical goals and practical conflicts in the positioning of full-time counselors in colleges and universities[J].Journal of Tianjin Institute of Finance and Trade Management,2010,12(04):78-79.

170.Dai Xiang.A research summary of the impact mechanism of financial crisis on international trade[J].Journal of Guangxi Institute of Economic Management,2010,22(04):66-71.

171.Dai Xiang.Intra-product division of labor, export growth and environmental welfare effects: theory and empirical analysis of China[J].International Trade Issues,2010(10):57-63.

172.Dai Xiang.Discussion on the optimization of international business undergraduate course system[J].Cultural and Educational Materials,2010(29):198-200.

173.Dai Xiang.The economic effect of upgrading the technological content of China's manufactured exports: an empirical analysis based on inter-provincial panel data[J].Economist,2010(09):77-83.

174. Dai Xiang. An Analysis of the Sustainability of China's Export-oriented Model[J].Modern Economic Research,2010(08):83-87.

175.Dai Xiang,Zhang Erzhen.Intermediate product import, export diversification and trade surplus——Theoretical model and empirical analysis of China[J].International Economics and Trade Research,2010,26(07):25-30.

176.Dai Xiang.The determinants of creative product trade and its influence on the total bilateral trade[J].World Economic Research,2010(06):46-50+56+88.

177.Dai Xiang,Wan Hongxian.Several Issues Needing Attention in Implementing Tutorial System for Undergraduates in Universities[J].Journal of Tianjin Institute of Finance and Trade Management,2010,12(01):54-55.

178.Dai Xiang.Construction of the market power measurement model of international shipping companies[J].Journal of Lanzhou University of Business Studies,2009,25(05):83-86.

179.Dai Xiang.Analysis of market power and regulations in China's shipping market[J].Journal of Guangxi Economic Management Institute,2009,21(04):80-83.

180.Dai Xiang.Government Behavior and Experience Reference in Service Trade in Developed Countries[J].Journal of Tianjin Institute of Finance and Trade Management,2009,11(01):20-22.

181.Xu Song,Dai Xiang,Zheng Lan.An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between China's Service Industry FDI and Service Trade[J].Productivity Research,2009(05):120-123.

182.Dai Xiang,Zheng Lan.Construction of the evaluation index system for the international competitiveness of the shipping service industry[J].Journal of Dalian Maritime University (Social Science Edition),2008(04):35-38.

183.DAI XIANG.Study on the Measurement of Anhui's New Industrialization Level[J].Journal of Anhui Radio & TV University,2008(02):28-32.

184.Dai Xiang,Zheng Lan.Kojima model and my country's foreign direct investment industry selection[J].International Business (Journal of University of International Business and Economics),2008(03):74-80.

185.Dai Xiang,Zheng Lan.An evaluation index of the international competitiveness of the shipping service industry[J].Journal of Capital University of Economics and Business,2008(03):85-89.

186.Dai Xiang,Zheng Lan.The impact of natural persons' movement on bilateral trade——Taking the United States as an example[J].World Economic Research,2008(02):49-53+87

187.Dai Xiang.The South African Economy Wandering Low: Problems and Causes[J].West Asia and Africa,2008(01):74-78.

188.Dai Xiang,Wan Hongxian.Analysis of the role of FDI in promoting the development of new industrialization[J].Journal of Anhui Vocational College of Business and Technology (Social Science Edition),2007(04):18-21.

189.Xu Song,Dai Xiang,Zheng Lan.An Empirical Analysis of my country's Foreign Direct Investment Industry Selection and Optimization Measures[J].Technical Economy,2007(08):46-51.

190.Wan Hongxian,Dai Xiang.International Comparison of my country's Shipping Service Trade Competitiveness[J].International Business(Journal of University of International Business and Economics),2007(01):59-64.

191.Li Shuangju,Dai Xiang.Circular Economy——The Choice of the Sustainable Development of my countrys Foreign Trade[J].International Trade Issues,2006(06):99-106.

192.Dai Xiang.An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Domestic Employment——Taking Singapore as an Example[J].World Economic Research,2006(04):70-76.

193.Dai Xiang,Xu Song.Analysis of the nine advantages of agricultural material chain[J].Journal of Anhui Vocational College of Business and Technology (Social Science Edition),2006(01):44-46.

194.Dai Xiang.Implementing Intellectual Property Strategy——An Effective Way for Chinese Enterprises to Deal with Section 337 of the United States[J].International Trade Issues,2006(02):115-120.

195.Dai Xiang.Research on Mexico's Anti-dumping Issues against China[J].Journal of Wenzhou University,2006(01):18-23.

196.Dai Xiang.An analysis of the role of export tariffs on primary products[J].International Business.Journal of University of International Business and Economics,2006(01):10-18.

197.Dai Xiang.Policy objectives and influencing factors of export tariffs on primary products[J].Journal of Tianjin Institute of Finance and Trade Management,2006(01):10-12.

198.DAI XIANG.The impact of macroeconomic policies on foreign trade[J].International Business.Journal of University of International Business and Economics,2005(02):10-12.

199.Dai Xiang.China's opportunities and countermeasures for the reconstruction of global value chains under the new crown pneumonia epidemic[J].Economic Aspect,2020(06):71-79+2.

200.Dai Xiang,Yang Shuangzhi. The export promotion effect of China's One Belt One Road initiative[J].Economist,2020(06):68-76.

201.Dai Xiang,Song Jie. Will the Belt and Road Initiativehelp China restructure the global value chain?[J].World Economic Research,2019(11):108-121+136.


Research awards

1.2019 China Ministry of Commerce Business Development Research Achievement Award

2.2018 Jiangsu Philosophy and Social Science Research Achievement Award

3.2018 An Zijie International Trade Research Achievement Award

4.2018 Liu Shibai Economics Award

5.2018 Ministry of Education Philosophy and Social Science Research Achievement Award

6.2016 Jiangsu Province Excellent Theoretical Achievement Award

7.2018 Jiangsu Province Excellent Theoretical Achievement Award

8.2016 Jiangsu Province Applied Excellent Engineering Award

9.2017 Jiangsu Province Applied Excellent Engineering Award

10. Doctoral thesis Research on Crisis Impact and Global Trade Volatility Mechanism, won the 2013 Excellent Doctoral Thesis of Nanjing University

11. In 2012, he was awarded the honorary title of Top Ten Research Models by Anhui University of Finance and Economics

12. In 2013, he was awarded the honorary title of Top Ten Research Models by Anhui University of Finance and Economics

13. In 2014, he was awarded the honorary title of Top Ten Research Models by Anhui University of Finance and Economics

14. In 2015, he was awarded the honorary title of Top Ten Research Models by Anhui University of Finance and Economics

15. In 2011, won the first prize of Tian'an Teaching Fellowship from Anhui University of Finance and Economics

16. In 2013, won the second prize of Tian'an Teaching Fellowship by Anhui University of Finance and Economics

17. In 2013, won the first prize of Tian'an Teaching Fellowship from Anhui University of Finance and Economics

18. In 2015, won the first prize of Tian'an Teaching Fellowship by Anhui University of Finance and Economics

19. 2014 Outstanding Young Top Talents in Anhui Universities

20. The third prize of the 2016 Jiangsu Provincial University Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award

21. 2016 First Prize of Jiangsu Applied Engineering Excellence Award

22. Young and middle-aged academic leader of the Blue Project in Jiangsu Province in 2016

23. 2016 Young and Middle-aged Leading Talents of 333 Project in Jiangsu Province